How do I get an address for a house I'm going to build?
Contact the Addressing 9-1-1 Department at 601-824-2423.
How can I get a street sign replaced?
Contact the Addressing 9-1-1 office at 601-824-2423.
Is there a way to rename an existing street?
You must have a signed petition of everyone on the street. If everyone agrees, the street name can be changed.
Who is responsible for naming streets?
In platted subdivisions, the developer names the streets.
What is needed to transfer a title and tag?
In order to transfer a title and a tag in Rankin County, you must have the original vehicle title (signed by owner or owners as shown). The new owner or owners must be present to sign title application when changing ownership. If the vehicle is newer than 10 years old an Odometer Disclosure Statement is required if this information is not on the original title
Where can I get a replacement title?
To get a replacement title, contact the State Tax Commission Title Division at (601)923-7000. You can also print an Application for Replacement Title on the Online Forms section of our website.
What is needed to purchase a tag with a title application?
In order to get your tag with a title application, you must bring the completed title application from a designated agent and a copy of current tag receipt (if purchased from an individual, to verify current taxes paid).
What determines the price of my tag?
The price is computed from the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), year of the vehicle and location (where the vehicle goes at night). All newer models require the MSRP (window sticker price without options).
How many days do I have to purchase my tag?
Citizens are allotted seven working days plus 48 hours to purchase tags for vehicles purchased from out of state. If the vehicle is purchased in-state, citizens are allotted seven working days to purchase their tag from the date of purchase. Renewal - you have the full month showing on the tag and 15 days into the next month before penalty is added. (5 percent penalty after the 15 days and five percent for each additional 30 days to a maximum of 25 percent, and at that time the Legislative Credit is lost).
What is Legislative Credit?
Legislative credit is tax credit given by the State Legislature to reduce the cost of Mississippi tags based on the value of each vehicle. The percentage is set each year by the State Tax Commission based on available funds.
How can I get a replacement tag and or decal that was lost?
To get a replacement tag and or decal, report the missing tag and/or decal number to the sheriff's office and bring the form given to you by the tax collector's office. The tag cost is $10.00 and decal is $2.50.
When I sell or trade my vehicle do I take my tag off the vehicle?
Yes. The seller shall remove the tag (license plate) and surrender the tag and receipt to the tax collector's office (in the same month of selling) for credit toward another tag, or get a credit slip to be used later toward another vehicle. Mississippi law does not allow for cash refund or credit if moving out of state.
My vehicle is not running. Can I take the tag off and get credit toward another tag for another vehicle?
No. The tag credit can only be given when you no longer own the vehicle.
When does a new resident change their out-of-state title and registration (tag)?
If registration is current, tags must be changed 30 days after moving to Mississippi. After 30 days a, $250.00 fine is added.
Where do I go to get a Mississippi driver's license?
The Mississippi Highway Patrol office has two locations: Hwy 49 South (2 miles off I-20) in the city of Richland and Woodrow Wilson Drive and I-55 in Jackson. For more information, visit
When is the best time to purchase a tag and pay taxes in person?
If possible, avoid coming to the offices on Monday and Friday, the first and last business days of each month and during lunch hours (12:00 p.m. to 2:00p.m.). These tend to be heavy-volume times.
Who can use the drive-thru window?
We encourage parents with small children and anyone who has trouble walking or standing for long periods of time to use the drive-thru window. Transactions that can not be done at this window: heavy trucks, rental car company, any one with a large volume of tax statements and no walk-ups. You must be in a vehicle to pay taxes at the drive-thru-window.
What is the percentage of use/sales tax and casual sales tax?
Use tax is 5 percent if purchased from an out-of-state dealer, based on bill of sale price. Casual sales tax is 5 percent if purchased from an individual based on the true value where the tag is calculated. Exceptions: vehicles at least 10 years old and transfers from husband and wife, parent and child, grandparent and grandchild.
When moving from one county to another in Mississippi when do I change my tags?
Your Mississippi tag is good until renewal time. You will need to bring your current tag receipt in at renewal time and purchase a new tag in the new county.
When are the renewals mailed?
Renewal notices are mailed on the last day of each month before the expiration month. Decals can be renewed during the month of expiration and 15 days into the next month to avoid penalty. If you live in the county, your garbage bill will have to be current before renewing your tag/decal.
Are there special tags that can be purchased?
Yes. Pictures are available.
What is the cost and requirements for an Antique tag?
The cost is a one-time fee of $25.00, the vehicle must be at least 25 years old as of October of the year the tag is purchased. (example:10/99 to 9/2000 - 1975 and older) .
How can a handicapped person get a placard and tag?
One placard per applicant can be obtained from the tax collector's office free of charge after presenting an application completed and signed by a doctor and or nurse practitioner. The handicapped tag is not mandatory for parking in the restricted parking spaces, but can be obtained with the placard using the same application if the vehicle is titled in the applicant's name.
When are the busiest times to purchase a tag or pay taxes?
If possible, avoid coming to the office on Monday or Friday, the first business day of the month and the last two business days of the month. These are heavy-volume days, and may result in long lines and waiting.
What are Land Records?
Land records refer to those record series that may involve real estate. These include documents traditionally recorded in Deeds Books and Plat Cabinets, such as Deeds, Deed of Trust, Authorities to Cancel, Plats, Name Change Orders, and many other documents. The Land Records Division also dockets and indexes judgments and files certain Uniform Commercial Code transactions that are a lien on real estate
Are Land Records open to the public?
Yes, land records are available for public inspection from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours are available with an access card, issued at the discretion of the Chancery Clerk's Office.
Does the Clerk's Office have blank forms for land records related to documents?
How do I obtain copies?
Fees for copies made by the public is $.25 per page. The fee for copies made by our staff is $.50 per page. It is an additional fee of $1.00 to certify a copy of a document.
Requests for copies sent by mail must be accompanied by check or money order covering the cost of the copies and a stamped self-addressed envelope. The request should reasonably identify the document to be copied. Checks should be made payable to the Rankin County Chancery Clerk.
What are the requirements that must be met for a document to be recorded?
There are different requirements depending on the type of document, so they cannot be listed here.
It is the responsibility of the person offering the document for recording to make sure (1) that the document is original, (2) that it is signed and that the signatures are properly acknowledged before a notary public, (3) that the document is a complete writing and contains the required information, (4) that is accompanied by the proper fees, and (5) that is accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope so that it can be returned to the party offering it for recordation. If no self-addressed envelope is included, the document will be sent back to the address on the envelope the document was received in.
The clerk's staff cannot give legal advice. Those seeking to record a document in the Clerk's office are encouraged to obtain the advice of a professional.
When is my document recorded?
Documents are recorded at the time we receive them. They are available for viewing by the public the next day.
What does the Clerk's Office accept in payment of recording fees?
The Clerk's office accepts (1) cash, (2) checks and money orders made payable to Rankin County Chancery Clerk, and (3) credit or debit cards (Visa/MasterCard/Discover only).
Purchasing Real Property
Our office strongly recommends that a title search be done before real estate is purchased. A search of records in the Chancery Clerk's Office will determine any outstanding mortgages, taxes, or other liens and whether or not the seller has legal title to the property. Any attorney or title company can do a title search and prepare your deed. It is illegal for the Chancery Clerk's Office to search these records or prepare your deed.
Before recording your deed it must contain the following:
• Signature of seller(s) notarized
• Legal description with indexing instructions
• Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the sellers, buyers, and deed preparer
If you purchase and occupy property before January 1st, you are eligible to apply for Homestead Exemption in the Tax Assessor's office - filing period January 1st through April 1st. Filing for Homestead Exemption reduces your taxes tremendously. If you are eligible, please be sure and take advantage of this savings.
Property taxes must be paid each year. Statements are mailed from the Tax Collector's Office by December for that year's taxes. Be sure the Tax Collector and Tax Assessor have your current mailing address.
If your property taxes are not paid by the last Friday before the last Monday in theAugust, then it is auctioned off to the highest bidder which is called a Tax Sale, or if no bids are received, then it is stricken off to the State. It then becomes the duty of the Chancery Clerk to collect all delinquent years taxes before the current years' taxes can be paid. No installments on delinquent taxes are accepted. We presently accept only cash, money orders, certified bank checks, lawyer trust account checks, and corporate checks from title and title insurance companies. We also accept payment by Visa, MasterCard or Discover. NO PERSONAL CHECKS are ACCEPTED in the redemption of back taxes after July 1st.
Individuals have two years from the date of the tax sale to redeem their property. If not redeemed before the two years are up, then it matures to the State or if an individual purchased it at the Tax Sale, it matures to that individual who becomes entitled to a Tax Deed, which means you no longer own the property.
Where do I vote?
The County has a tool for you to look this information up.
How do I sign up for TEXT and EMAIL Alerts on the County website?
How do I submit a Public Information Request?
For public information requests, please contact the elected official overseeing the data you are requesting. For example, for elections please contact the Circuit Clerk's office. For all other requests please contact the County Administrator.